
REPORT: Compendium of good practices in the field of inspection of the security of nuclear material and facilities

August 2021 ENSRA publishes a compendium of good practices in the field of inspection of the security of nuclear material and facilities ENSRA, as part of its mission to share experiences between members, organised in 2016 a seminar in Paris to discuss and exchange experiences on nuclear security inspection practices. The seminar’s participants, all nuclear security …

REPORT: Compendium of good practices in the field of inspection of the security of nuclear material and facilities Weiterlesen »

ERTSS Seminar

The European Regional Transportation Security Series (ERTSS), organized virtually from March to September 2021 in several thematic sessions It is intended to be a seminar to raise awareness of the threats to the transport of nuclear and radioactive materials and the associated consequences. The objective was to organize a dialogue with Central and Eastern European …

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